Casino Club - A Debut EP brimming with raw energy infectious melodies and poignant lyrics


Dynamic, rip-roaring indie rock band Casino Club is on the periphery of emerging as stars in the indie game. The group from Wigan recently released "Now you want it," an electrifying debut EP, perfectly showcasing the band's signature blend of infectious melodies, raw energy, and poignant lyrics. For a debut EP, Casino Club has certainly hit the spot. Energy is prevalent all throughout.

To open the EP, "Stuck on You" offers a captivating rhythm and elevating vocals, immediately setting the perfect tone for the five-song EP. Explosive instrumentation is evident in "Kick a Hole into the Sun," accompanied by meaningful lyrics. This song catapults listeners into a frenzy of exhilaration. "It won't last forever" provides infectious basslines; this tune already sounds like it will be special live. The fourth track on the EP is arguably the standout song. The audience is immediately struck with huge guitar sounds and a monumental bassline, and the drums also add a phenomenal sound to "Runaway." All this chaos is settled down with a catchy sing-along for a chorus. To conclude a remarkable debut EP release, "Walk Away" is a song packed with raw emotion and fiery enthusiasm. "Walk Away" is excellent throughout, but especially the impressive finale with a guitar solo from Alex Porter. This raw and intense solo will give fans a phenomenal experience.

Recently, we caught up with the band to discuss all things "Now you want it." Here is what the boys had to say.

Can you introduce the members of the band and what each member plays?

Singing and rhythm: Marcus Grimshaw

Lead guitar: Alex Porter

Bass + backing vocals: Michael Grimshaw

Drums: Stee Grimshaw

Mike and Stee are brothers, and Marcus just coincidentally has the same last name.

There could be some relation down the line, as we're 5 minutes from each other.

What artists shaped your style of music?

Marcus all-time favourite band is Oasis, who were a big influence in picking up a guitar.

One of the group's favourite bands as a collective is Catfish and the Bottlemen, who have heavily influenced our songwriting style. Other influences include Kings of Leon as well as some influence from early 2000s indie and even some elements of 2000s pop-punk. Overall, we want a big indie rock sound and feel these influences can blend together to build that.

What can people who are not aware of Casino Club expect when listening to your music?

People can expect a big and bold indie rock n roll sound with catchy hooks, big riffs, energetic drums, and bouncing bass lines.

Are any topics addressed, is there a certain theme that is evident throughout the EP?

The EP captures the essence of day-to-day life and the spirit of youth. It is a journey through the ups, downs, joys, and struggles of everyday life.

Where did you gain inspiration for your debut EP?

The main thing we wanted to do was have a release that included a group of songs that captured our sound rather than just single releases. Early on, we were still experimenting with sounds, and then we realised we'd found it after gigging/writing more and more.

One of the big things we wanted the EP to include was a tune that we could imagine a crowd bouncing up and down to with flares in hand at Glastonbury (thinking big). Alex watched Kasabian at Knebworth, which gave us this idea and plan. That's where we came up with 'It Won't Last Forever! Mike came in with the bass line one practice and then we just went from there and wrote it in that session. It flowed really well.

How long did it take to record the EP, and what is your favourite song from it and why?

It took us around 8 days of sessions with Gaz from The Lounge Recording Studio (credits include The K's, The Lottery Winners, etc.).

We split that into different sections to work around our jobs as teachers, physios and accounting. On weekdays that we could book off, Stee and Mike laid down most of the drums and bass, and then Marcus and Alex did their bits. We then had the last few sessions as a full band in the studio. It was a really fun process, and Gaz always plays a massive part in that.

Marcus' favourite song is 'Walk Away' because it showcases something slightly different we haven't done and it was fun seeing it all come together.

Mikes is 'It Won't Last Forever' because it's built around the bass and is really fun to play live and experiment with famous bass lines to go into the song from.Stees is 'Stuck on You' because it has a catchy chorus, massive in-your-face intro, and is upbeat. Alex's favourite is either 'It Won't Last

Forever' because it's a big live tune or 'Walk Away' as he gets a big solo, strings, and the process of making it sound as raw as possible.

Producer: Gareth Nuttall

To catch this rocking debut EP live, the band is playing a gig at The Snug in Atherton. To grab any tickets for the band's concerts, click here

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