'Solitude of the Night Bus' - The newest experimental release from The Courteeners 

One of Manchester's beloved bands of the recent years, known for their live performances overflowing with energy, accompanied by some memorable albums and superb single releases. The Courteeners have amassed a huge cult following across the UK, but in Manchester they are icons. 'Solitude of the Night Bus' is an indie single with a glimmer of pop that will feature on the band's upcoming album 'Pink Cactus Cafe'. Also, it is Liam Fray and the band's first release of new music since 2020, which was their last album, "More Again Forever," an album that received mixed reviews by critics, but one thing that cannot be denied with that project is the maturity in songwriting from Liam Fray that some of the songs offer throughout the album. However, this newest release evokes a distinct atmosphere compared to the 2020 album, elements of the 2017 album 'Mapping the rendezvous' are more apparent in this song. However, yet again, this song has received polarised responses for many reasons. Whether it's the instrumental components created by the members of the band or the tone of Liam Fray's voice, it seems to be a song that evokes a love-hate relationship with listeners. 

 It is evident that the Mancunian band has altered their music style dramatically since their debut album release in 2008. The once dynamic, high-impact releases seem like a distant memory; this has been the case for the band's last few albums. And Solitude of the Night Bus adds to this experimental feel from The Courteeners. The song immediately begins with a somewhat relaxing groove from an instrumental perspective, soon joined by Liam Frays blissful tones, creating a small feeling of pop in an uplifting song. However, the lyrics somewhat juxtapose the feeling of joy and uplifting emotions, with the chorus constantly repeating "Until they leave me alone." A phrase like this will not often correlate with a feeling of elation. From start to finish in 'Solitude of the Night Bus', it is hard to deny how well Liam Frays voice complements the instrumental sound flawlessly. 

 The Courteeners are not afraid to release a bold statement and experiment with their songs, even if this does not go down well with fans. It shows the true capabilities in production—a real talent even if you are not a fan. This song is a prime example of it all. It certainly showcases the ability Liam Fray has, whether it's producing, songwriting, or singing. The Courteeners frontman is no amateur. When looking at the upcoming album for the Courteeners, it is not certain what direction it will go in due to the different styles we have seen of late. To put it simply, this album will certainly sell and will also be an intriguing listen for all. 'Solitiude of the Night Bus' and upcoming album 'Pink Cactus Cafe' will be touring the UK in November. Playing venues such as the O2 and the Manchester Co-op, Courteeners live shows are always immaculate. Support acts for these gigs are also sublime, with indie rock band DMAS touring with the group. Tickets for the tour can be found here.

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