'Sun Kiss' - The ideal summer anthem


A statement single release that immediately captures the essence of summer, signifying a true feeling of ecstasy, alongside heartfelt lyrics and captivating melodies. "Sun Kiss" may be the soundtrack of the summer, as indie pop group Lock-in continues to own the title of rising "stars" in the music scene. Summer-themed tunes have become a recurring theme for Lock-in, with "Sun Kiss" following on from the melodic and rhythmic single "Vandross," released in 2022. "Sun Kiss" was released on the back of a groundbreaking set at Truck Festival that saw the lads from Hertfordshire broaden their audience to new heights. The indie-pop group has also amassed a substantial following on TikTok for many of their singles, most notably "Red Stripe Remedy." However, "Sun Kiss" has attracted a comparable level of attention due to the group's clever marketing strategies and the fact that they are consistently promoting their newest material. This newest single is a perfect reflection of Lock-ins discography.

In short, "Sun Kiss" is an ideal summer anthem, radiating class through the rasp in Benjy's voice and blissful guitar riffs. The single is instrumentally captivating from the start, delivering a relaxing vibe, even when Benjy's voice eases into the tune. "Sun Kiss" evokes memories in the sun, bringing that nostalgic summer feeling to life through superb vocals and faultless instrumentation. This feeling of nostalgia is also evident through the lyrics, "Summertime, we're never in doubt," which portrays that feeling perfectly. Frontman Benjy described the intention of "Sun Kiss" as a "musical time machine for fans, where every memory is wrapped in the warmth of good times with friends," whereas Rhythm Guitarist Angus quotes that Sun Kiss "encapsulates summer feels. "Sun Kiss" holds the potential to seriously help Lock-in reach those levels, they have yet to hit. If you haven't listened to Lock-In yet, "Sun Kiss" is a flawless introduction, showcasing their energy, talent, and creativity.

The release of "Sun Kiss" is a breath of fresh air, paving the way for many opportunities for Benjy and the group. A true indie summer anthem. We recently caught up with Benjy, to discuss the new single with him, we asked him, "How would you describe "Sun Kiss" to people that have not heard it?" to which he responded, "I'd say "Sun Kiss" is that feeling you get when reminiscing on summer memories. Those days riding the bike down the hill, knocking for mates to play football and ice cream from the ice cream van. Pure summer bliss!". Adding to this, we went into more detail about the tune, questioning the production and the inspiration behind "Sun Kiss," "Is there a story behind Sun Kiss, and how long was the process of creating it?" The frontman responded, "Sun Kiss was made to feel the nostalgia of summer during the winter months. The idea sparked after Christmas with the idea of getting winter out of the way. We recorded it in spring and it led perfectly into our sun-kissed summer! It felt appropriate after the summer we've had with festivals.".

Prior to the release of Sunkiss, Lock-in announced a headline tour, panning over four dates in October, firstly Leeds, then Manchester, and Bristol. To close the tour, the group will take to Heartbreakers in Southampton. To see Lock-in and "Sun Kiss" live, visit the band's website here to purchase your tickets.

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