Meet Alex Spencer - Manchester's breakout talent heading for stardom

From what started out as busking on the street constantly to playing a huge headline tour to many people across the country at just the age of 17. Young Mancunian star Alex Spencer is on a mission to stardom, and the sky's the limit for him. Alex has been on the radar of social media for many years now since he was first discovered busking on the streets of Manchester. Now onto the present day, Alex has appeared on Sky Sports and appeared on the BBC website, as well as playing countless sold-out gigs. He has been shaking up the music industry and is a tremendous source of inspiration for aspiring artists. Spencer also demonstrates remarkable maturity and potential through his exceptional songwriting. The lyrics he composes create a true bond with him and his fan base, creating a true sense of community and relatability through his carefully crafted lyricism. Today we caught up with Alex to discuss all things music.

 Q - As a young artist yourself, what advice would you give to any aspiring musicians?

Alex - To young upcoming artists, my advice is to keep at it; don't stop writing and making music and get out there on social media, as you don't know who could be watching. 

Q - What artists did you love when you were younger? Did any family members music taste shape/influence you?

Alex - My mum and dad got me into my music. They always had Arctic Monkeys and arcade fire playing round the house. On a family trip in Asia, I discovered all types of music and was surrounded by many great musicians who inspired me to start playing music! 

Q - If you could open a gig for any artist who would it be?

Mhmm, I'd love to support Sam Fender, Catfish and the Bottlemen, but to be honest, I've already supported some of my favourite bands/artists, like the Lathums and the Royston Club. 

Q - Do you ever change song lyrics during peformances?

Alex - If I forget the lyrics, then I end up singing gibberish!, but sometimes I'll improvise with choruses, etc. 

Q - Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration?

Alex - I write a lot about life basically and what's going on in the world, past experiences. But I'm always finding new ideas.

Q - What do you believe makes you unique from other artists?

Alex - I think what makes me unique from other artists is my confidence and stage presence. I started off busking in Manchester, where I learnt the craft of working with a crowd from a young age. I'm always smiling and always want the fans to have a good time. 

Q - Are there any challenges you have faced, on the way to get where you are?

Alex - There's always challenges in the way to overcome, even if they're little or big, but I can't think of a specific example off the top of my head. However, there's loads of risks to take in music. 

 Q - What are your plans in the future music wise, can we expect any new releases soon?

Alex - Right now I'm working on my style writing and in the studio a lot at the moment, smashing the live side of things as I'm going on tour next month. I wanna keep releasing, getting radio 1 plays and getting bigger gigs, getting my name out there. Someday release my debut album and get a number one!

Q - Do you have any routines put into place before you go on stage?

Alex - I usually warm my voice up and jump around a bit! I'm always either really nervous or really chill. Then I'll make sure I've got everything and then go on stage. 

Q - What do you believe has been the best peformance of your career so far?

Alex - The best performance of my career has probably been my biggest headline show at the Manchester Academy 3 or maybe at the ritz supporting Seb Lowe back in April or even at KOKO London with the Royston Club. 

Q - Finally, where would you like to see yourself in ten years?

Alex - In 10 years, I see myself touring the world, having released my debut album and getting a number 1 playing my music to thousands of fans and them singing it back to me Headlining Glastonbury 2032!

Alex is playing a headline tour in the UK next month, across many cities such as London, Leeds and Glasgow. To secure tickets for any of those gigs click here.


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