Meet Hannah Mazey - An indie star in the making


Wigan-born singer Hannah Mazey, often touted as a future star, is captivating fans on social media and proving she's one to watch. Possessing raw talent with an exceptional voice, Hannah is already showing true maturity with her songwriting and live performances. Her recent single, "Wish You Felt the Same," has pulled in significant attention, resonating with listeners through its relatable themes. The powerful track is accompanied by an impressive music video, further elevating its impact. Recently we had the chance to catch up with Hannah and discuss all things music, including live performances and future plans.

Q - What band would you love to open for in the future?

Hannah - I would love to support Rachel Chinouriri, she is an on-repeat artist for me and I feel like we could vibe really well together.

Q - What artists did you love when you were younger? Did any family members music taste shape/influence you?

Hannah - I grew up listening Oasis and Robbie Williams in the car with my dad and my grandad got me into the Beatles at an early age. The person who I think had the biggest impact on my musical taste was my aunty, Sarah. She got me into Northern Soul and Motown when I was around 13 years old, we used to go to all-nighters together and I feel like subconsciously some of my music has very small influences from that kind of music.

Q - What would be your dream venue to play?

Hannah - I'm going to be kind of realistic and say Manchester Academy 1 or Victoria Warehouse. I've seen so many artists at these venues growing up who I loved listening to so it would feel like a huge pinch me moment if I ever got the chance to perform there. Q- If you could change anything about the music industry what would it be?

Q - Do you ever change song lyrics during live performances?

Hannah - I don't necessarily change the lyrics but I definitely change the way songs sound or change the way that I sing them! I think its important to have fun with live performances - the tracks aren't supposed to sound identical to the recorded versions when you're playing it live!

Q - What is your favourite song to perform?

Hannah - My favourite track to perform at the moment is definitely my track 'PRETENTIOUS' that I released in March this year. Especially now I am performing with a band, I think it's the track that everyone remembers the most and I get to just let loose on stage.

Q - Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration?

Hannah - It may sound obvious but my songwriting inspiration comes from experiencing different moods and feelings. Sometimes I find that I write a song without really understanding the true meaning of it myself or thinking it has a specific meaning and then in a year's time that meaning can completely change. I might relate to it even more than I did at the time of writing it. Having quiet time is definitely what inspires me the most to write, to be able to sit with my thoughts and have the ability to be introspective of myself and my experiences.

Q - What do you believe makes you unique from other artists?

Hannah - I just make music that I like to listen to and if other people enjoy it too then that's a plus for me.

Q - Are they any challenges you have faced, on the way to get where you are?

Hannah - The biggest challenge was probably making the initial move to start recording, performing and releasing music. I think I put it off for a long time because I was too scared about what others would think. I quickly got out of that mindset after making the leap. Pushing yourself to do things out of your comfort zone is the hardest thing to do but it becomes easier the more you do it.

Q - What are your plans for the future with music, can we expect any new releases soon?

Hannah - I've been in the studio recording lots and lots of new music. Expect an announcement in the coming weeks for something new…

Q - Do you have any routines you put into place, before you go on stage?

Hannah - Vocal warmups and lots of water with lemon. I used to have a few alcoholic drinks before getting on stage to boost my confidence but I found that it makes my performance worse!

Q - Finally, if you could collaborate with any present artist who would it be?

Hannah - My dream artist to collaborate with would be Frank Ocean. We're both experimental with sounds and he also seems like the coolest person ever.

Find Hannah's music here.

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